standard cane corso enci

Neck: strong, muscular, as long as the head. Il tuo indirizzo email non verrà utilizzato per nessun altro scopo e potrai annullare l'iscrizione in qualsiasi momento. Guardiano della proprietà, della famiglia e del bestiame; lo si utilizzava nel passato per sorvegliare il bestiame e per la caccia alla grossa selvaggina. 3 cm without creating fringes. In relation to the median plane of the body the ridges of the shoulder-blades are slightly swerved. Its perimeter reaches 26% of height at the withers, at its top margin the pisiform bone is strongly projected backwards. In the case of natural tails, the tip reaches the hock but not below. The mask does not go beyond the eyes. Coat Muscular and athletic, it moves with considerable ease and elegance. Back: Rectilinear, very muscular and firm. The movement is free flowing, powerful yet effortless, with strong reach and drive. The body is somewhat longer than the height at the withers. All colors not indicated in the standard: large white patches. Gray muzzles (coat colors of gray, fawn or red and these colors brindled), lighter shades are approved. Per mesi, finito il tempo della semina, vi rimaneva solo il guardiano: unico suo compagno il cane, indispensabile aiuto per difendersi dai malviventi. Tail - Forming a ring or in a vertical position. DPCM 3.11.2020 DISPOSIZIONI ENCI 21 dicembre 2020: Uffici ENCI: chiusura natalizia 2020 23 dicembre 2020: GC Pavia: chiusura natalizia 2020 Eyes: Medium-sized, ovoid, looking directly forward, slightly protruding. Colour The commeasure is rightly evident and it always represents the lowest point of the lower side profile of the muzzle. Height: Dogs: 25 to 27.5 inches; bitches: 23.5 to 26 inches. Third eyelid strongly pimented. The top and bottom muzzle plains are parallel and the nose and chin form a perpendicular line. Its direct ancestor is the "Canis Pugnax" (the old Roman Molossian) of which he is the light version employed in the hunting of large wild animals and also as an "auxiliary warrior" in battles. The overall conformation of the dog should be well-balanced and proportionate. The Cane Corso....Written ENCI Standard. It is wide, very muscular as the whole upper line of the trunk, slightly climbing from the back to the front and with a strictly rectilinear profile. Axes of muzzle and skull diverging Expression: Very alert and attentive. Tail The abdomen region is neither hollowed nor relaxed and, seen from the side, rises up from the sternum edge to the groins with a smooth curve. Rump should be quite round due to muscular development. Pasterns: Almost straight, strong but flexible. Some wrinkling on forehead occurs when alert. Armonia, forza e scioltezza sono le parole che più si addicono alla sua andatura naturale: passo lungo, trotto allungato con tratti di galoppo. Forfeet Elbows Its length is 11% over the height at the withers, with allowance of ±1%. Well proportioned to the size of the dog, strong and powerful. The protruding hock ridge shows clearly the continuation of the leg groove. Very marked because of the very developed and bulging frontal sinuses and because of the prominent superciliary arches. Its depth is more than 50% the length of the muzzle. Basterà ricordare, Teofìlo Folengo nel “Maccheronee” (1552), il famoso naturalista Konrad von Gesner nel “De Quadrupedibus” (1551), Erasmo di Valvasone nel “Della Caccia” (1591), Minà Palumbo nei “Mammiferi di Sicilia” (1868), e persino Giovanni Verga nel “Malavoglia” (1881). La caccia veniva praticata di notte e richiedeva cani particolarmente addestrati, in quanto il buio impediva al cacciatore di impiegare armi da fuoco. In the past this breed was common all over Italy as an ample iconography and historiography testify. Stifle - The angle of the stifle joint is of approx. Its length, from the tip of the elbow to the one of the arm is equal to 32/33% of the height at the withers. Long, oblique, strong, equipped with long, powerful and well divided muscles, is adherent to the thorax but free in the movements. (tolerance of ± 0.4”.) In 1994, the Cane Corso was officially recognized by the Italian Kennel Club as 14th Italian breed. 2/2,5 cm. Females from 88 (84) to 101 (106) pounds. Harmoniously joined with the withers, shoulder and chest, the neck has its ideal direction at 45ƒ from the ground and at right angle with the shoulder. N.B. Carpal joint - Seen from the front, it follows the straight vertical line of the forearm; it is lean, wide, mobile, thick. Moderate tuck up. As the dog accelerates, the feet converge toward a center line of gravity in a near-single track. Stop: Marked. He is docile and affectionate to his owner, loving with children and family. Its length is over 33% of the height at the withers and the width is never lower than 25% of such height. L’ecletticità della razza fu motto apprezzata anche dai grandi signori feudali e rinascimentali che la impiegarono non solo per la caccia alla grande selvaggina, ma anche per la difesa delle fortificazioni e come strumento bellico. Forearm: Straight, very strong When not in action carried low, otherwise horizontal or slightly higher than back, not to be carried in a vertical position, it is docked at the 4th vertebrae. The head is moderately sculptured with zygomatic arches stretched outwards. Temperament The upper longitudinal axes of the skull and the muzzle converge slightly. Skin Mentre nel passato si erano create popolazioni dello stesso colore la selezione moderna non ha privilegiato, salvo rarissime eccezioni, alcun colore e gli accoppiamenti indiscriminati tra i vari colori ha dato origine a molteplici tonalità di grigio e fulvo: forse si dovrebbe tornare ai tradizionali quattro colori. Le giuste proporzioni del Cane Corso sono importanti per la sua salute, il suo benessere e la sua capacità di lavoro; rappresentano per questo il fondamento della valutazione in gara. Sempre più numerosi sono i soggetti che si sono cimentati e si cimentano nelle Prove sportive di Utilità e Difesa con buoni, se non ottimi, risultati. Pastern Yellow bird of prey, blue eyes. It gets amputated at the 4th rib. Stifle Disqualification: More then 2 missing teeth, wry mouth. Stop: Well defined due to developed and bulging frontal sinuses and prominent arch above the eyes. È un antichissimo molosso italiano, discendente diretto di quel “canis pugnax“ romano che tanto contribuì alla supremazia di Roma ed alla costituzione dell’Impero Romano. 32% of the height at the withers. The pigment of the mucous membranes is black. A small white patch on the chest, on the feet tips and on the nose bridge is accepted. Hindquarters GENERAL APPEARANCE - Medium-big size dog, strongly built but elegant, with powerful and long muscles, very distinguished, he expresses strength, agility and endurance. Ad alcuni soggetti si applicava inoltre una speciale bardatura che permetteva all’animale di trasportare sul dorso degli speciali recipienti contenenti sostanze resinose accese. Thigh Standard ENCI/FCI; Gruppo 2: Cani di tipo Pinscher, Schnauzer, molossoidi e bovari svizzeri, Sez. The length of the muzzle is equal to 3,4/10 of the total length of the head. Loins - The lumbar region has to be short, wide, well joined to the back and to the rump, very muscular, very solid and, seen from the side, slightly convex. Loin: Well-muscled, and harmoniously joined to the back. His name derives from the Latin "cohors", which means "protector, guardian of the farmyard". Cane Corso Standard; Komentar standarda; Kretanje (Il Movimento) Cane Corso; Zdravlje / Health. L’utilizzo antico Oltre l’uso bellico e nelle arene che ne fecero gli antichi Romani, l’uso più classico del Cane Corso fu nella caccia alla selvaggina pericolosa, specialmente il cinghiale. Underline and belly A scissor bite would be tolerated only if all parameters (length of the muzzle, parallel muzzle sides, the upper longitudinal axes of the skull and of the muzzle are slightly convergent) The canines would be divergent and very distant among them (in the males, in the apex of the crown, they would need to be not less than 5,5 cm/5,7 cm apart). Brindling is allowed on all of these colors. Cane Corso Breed Information: Standard & History . Nel 1988, nell’ambito delle esposizioni di Milano, Firenze e Bari, i Giudici Morsiani, Perricone e Vandoni hanno effettuato i rilievi cinometrici di più di 50 Corsi al fine di verificare la loro aderenza alle caratteristiche indicate nel progetto di Standard. The top and bottom muzzle plains are parallel, and the nose and chin form a perpendicular line. The length, measured from the ridge of the hip to the ridge of the nates is equal to 32% of the height at the withers. Employed as property, cattle and personal guard dog and used for hunting purposes too. Monorchidism, cryptorchidism, obvious incomplete growth of one or both testicles. The height of the limbs at the elbows is equal to 50% of the height at the withers. Local dogs born years before the standard was written, fully respected the type described in the standard. It has had a selection parallel to that of the mastiff, it comes from lighter progenitors but has maintained that original conformation. The head mustn't have wrinkles. The pigmentation is black or dark grey. In the case of natural tails, the tip reaches the hock but not below. Body with the more frequent defects (by the book"Il Cane Corso" R. Carosio). It originated in the central-southern regions of Italy where it was used as a cowherd for cows and swine raised in the wild. Fore profiles (by the book "Il Cane Corso" R. Carosio). The pigmentation is black. Occipital crest not much developed. Well proportioned to the size of the dog. Semi-long, smooth or fringed hair Its width, in close relation with the width of the thorax, reaches 35% of the height to the withers, the breast-bone is at the same height as the tip of the shoulders. Translation: Dr. Antonio Morsiani , Dr. J.M. Disqualification: Yellow bird of prey, blue eyes. to 64 cm. Elbows - The elbows, long and protruding, adherent but not too close to the ribcage, covered with lean skin, must be like the humeri, on a strictly parallel plane to the sagittal plane of the trunk. Skull: Viewed from the front, skull is wide and slightly curved; width is equal to the length. L’allevamento “Dei Marchesi Del Partenio” (riconosciuto ENCI ed FCI) annuncia la nascita dei cuccioli di cane corso, neri e grigio piombo, nati dalla combinazione tra Attilio HDA (Bruto X Elettra) e Akira (Leno HDB ED0 X Maja). International Cane Corso Federation, 2003. eMail: Back - It is wide, very muscular as the whole upper line of the trunk, slightly climbing from the back to the front and with a strictly rectilinear profile. Docile and affectionate with the owner, loving with children and with the family, if necessary he becomes a terrible and brave protector of people, house and property. Tale ipotesi ci riconduce alla Magna Grecia ed alla suggestiva origine orientale dei molossi. Its length, slightly higher than its width, is equal to 20% of the height at the withers. The height of the thorax is 5/10 of the height at the withers and it is equal to the height of the limb at the elbows. Skin –The inferior part of the neck introduces more abundant but elastic skin. Anche i carrettieri che trasportavano le derrate di giorno e di notte, lungo le strade deserte, in piena campagna, temendo continuamente gli assalti di ladri e predoni, per maggior sicurezza viaggiavano in convogli e tenevano di scorta il Cane Corso. Colours Straight when viewed from the front or side; height of the limb at the elbow is equal to 50% of the height at the withers. Hindfeet Muzzle: Very broad and deep, width is almost equal to its length which reaches 34% of the total length of the head; the depth of muzzle is more then 50% of the length of the muzzle. A muscular, balanced, large-boned dog, rectangular in proportion. Over-or undersize. The dog is somewhat longer than high. GAIT/MOVEMENT - Long steps, stretched trot, some steps of gallop, but with inclination to stretched trot. The circumference of the head measured at the cheek bones is more then twice the total length of the head; skin is firm and smooth. Nel cane corso la biconvergenza è propria dell’ipertipo, viceversa il parallelismo lo è dell’ipotipo e la divergenza porta sempre al totale declassamento. In the fawn and tubby subjects there is a black or grey mask only on the muzzle and shouldn't go beyond the eye line. Tra mille difficoltà furono reperiti i primi esemplari nelle masserie del Sud e contemporaneamente avviate le ricerche sulla storiografia ed iconografia riguardante la razza, al fine di ricostruire un contesto storico che permettesse una corretta selezione dei soggetti. Forming a ring or in a vertical position. The bizygomatic width, which is equal to the lenght of the skull, is more than half the total height of the head, reaching 6,6/10. Tail: Tail set is an extension of the backline. CLASSIFICATION - Working group 1, dogs like Argentine Dogo and Black Russian Terrier. Tailless, short-tail, artificial or congenital. The skin is firm and sticking to the tissues underneath, it is smooth and quite stretched. Lips: The upper lips hang moderately and cover the mandible, so that the lower profile of the muzzle is determined by the lips. Its name is the one by which it has always been known in the south, having the same root as "corsiero" (courser), the medieval war horse; perhaps it derives from the Latin "cohors" (courtyard, body guard). It is thick at the root with not much tapering at the tip. Date of publication of the original valid standard: 12.03.1999 In the fawny and tubby subjects there is a black or grey mask only on the muzzle and shouldn't go beyond the eye line. Gait/Movement Some wrinkling on forehead occurs when alert. La moderna selezione non può prescindere dal fatto che il Cane Corso è un cane da lavoro, che ha sempre lavorato accanto all’uomo e per l’uomo e quindi non deve mettere in secondo ordine gli aspetti caratteriali. Weight: Proportionate to height. Colours - All colours not prescribed, white patches too wide. Skull - Seen from the front it is wide and slightly curved, seen from the side it draws an irregular curve that, accentuated in the subregion of the forehead, becomes flat along the external saggital crest. 3 cm without creating fringes. The lower side profile of the muzzle is determined by the upper lips, the suborbital region shows a very slight chisel. All’inizio degli anni ‘80 alcuni cinofili, tra i quali è doveroso ricordare il prof. Giovanni Bonatti, il prof. Fernando Casolino, il dott. Le sue specifiche qualità caratteriali di forza, coraggio ed equilibrio ne fanno un ottimo soggetto da lavoro, con buona addestrabilità, che lo possono veder eguagliare e superare le più qualificate razze da lavoro straniere, non dimenticando però l’appartenenza ai molossoidi. Top line Shoulders: Muscular, laid back. Un passato così ricco ed affine alla storia dell’uomo non poteva non lasciare traccia nelle testimonianze storiche. Origin & Purpose The Cane Corso is the direct descendant of the ancient Roman molosser dogs. Its skin adheres to its body and does not form wrinkles. A small white patch on the chest, on the feet tips and on the nose bridge is accepted. May be cropped or uncropped. Eyes Carpal joint He is easily trained. FAULTS The lower jaw incisors pass only slightly (about 1/2 cm) their correspondent ones on the upper arch, so the bite is slightly undershot. Its length, slightly higher than its width, is equal to 20% of the height at the withers. SKIN - It is, rather thick, has limited subcutaneous connective tissue and therefore is adherent everywhere to the layers underneath. Dentition is complete with no more then two missing teeth. Sexual organs - Monorchidism, cryptorchidism, obvious incomplete growth of one or both testicles. Nose - It is on the same line as the nose pipe. Viewed from the top, it has a square appearance due to the zygomatic arches and powerful muscles swathing it. Cane Corso information including personality, history, grooming, pictures, videos, and the AKC breed standard. Robust and sturdy, nevertheless elegant. The pigment of the mucous membranes is black. BRIEF HISTORICAL SUMMARY - Its direct ancestor is the "Canis Pugnax" (the old Roman Molossian) of which he is the light version employed in the hunting of large wild animals and also as an "auxiliary warrior" in battles. HINDQUARTERS - Perpendicular, seen from the front or in profile. The breed standard is published in Dr. Giovanni Ventura book -"Il Cano Corso". Straight when viewed from the rear or front. 120ƒ. L’altezza va dai 64 ai 68 cm. • AKC (American) Cane Corso Standard, 2010 • Perpendicular, seen from the front or in profile. The angle of the stifle joint, is of approx. General Appearance Medium-big size dog, strongly built but elegant, with powerful and long muscles, very distinguished, he expresses strength, agility and endurance. Cane is Italian for dog and there is no fact on what Corso stands for but there are some theories… According to the book Il Cane Corso by Fernando Casolino & Stefano Gandolfi there are the three different theories… The coat is short, stiff, shiny, adherent and dense with a light undercoat that becomes thicker in cold weather. Well proportioned to the size of the dog, strong and powerful. Il suo nome deriva dal latino “cohors” che significa “protettore, guardiano delle masserie”. Employed as property, cattle and personal guard dog and used for hunting purposes too. L’ENCI ha seguito con molto interesse, sin dagli albori, il progetto di recupero della razza ed ha dato incarico al dr. Antonio Morsiani di redigere lo Standard di razza. Gait The height of the limbs at the elbows is equal to 50% of the height at the withers. Its width, measured at half of its height, is equal to 35% of the height at the withers and decreases slightly towards the sternum region without forming a carina. Its lenght is 11% over the height at the withers, with allowance of ±1%. Well proportioned to the size of the dog. The preferred gait is the trot.

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