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vivo in Italia, l’anno scorso abbiamo comperato una piccola labrador a pelo lungo, purtroppo la piccola e’ morta – era l’animale di pet teraphy di mio figlio affetto da autismo, ora cerchiamo disperatamente altra labrador a pelo lungo, ho scritto in australia per uno ma siamo arrivati troppo tardi ed avevano già ceduto il piccolo cane, leggo questa paggina spesso e ora vedo che ci sono stati altri casi di labrador a pelo lungo, per noi la razza è importante , visto il loro comportamento con i bambini e poi il pelo lungo aiuterebbe al nostro piccolo speciale di “riabbracciare” una “vecchia” amica di gioco, se qualcuno sa dove trovare dei labrador a pelo lungo mi scriva There is also a “Greater Labrador” that I’ve come across, which sounds like another word for Landseer. When the Labrador retriever needed fresh blood, it was occasionally bred to wavy or flat-coated retrievers, which may have included dogs we would call golden retrievers. I had a short hair black Lab that was very smart. ©2021 - - p.iva 03338800984, irresistible1 - Cerchietto per cucciolo di cane dalmata in morbido tessuto con orecchie floppy in bianco e nero. Di marti1980 nel forum RETRIEVERS Risposte: 6 Ultimo Messaggio: 01-11-13, 02:36 PM. When families came to start making their picks, the “fluffy pups” were the first to go, even though we gave the families our research, the expected increased grooming and adult coat, and the DNA results. Visualizza altre idee su labrador, cuccioli, animali. Il labrador a pelo lungo in pratica è il Golden Retriver. Il manto dei Labrador può essere nero, cioccolato o dorato, e quest'ultimo colore è quello che presenta diverse tonalità, dalle più pallide, quasi bianche, fino a riflessi rossicci. Naturalmente se l'esemplare è munito di libretto sanitario, ben tenuto, con microchip e sano Il pelo, infatti, è una delle caratteristiche che permette di distinguerli a vista, perché questi ultimi hanno il pelo lungo e morbido. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Il gene responsabile del pelo lungo è recessivo, servono quindi due genitori portatori di questo gene per avere la probabilità di avere dei cuccioli con il pelo lungo; questa cosa avviene assai di rado e in ogni caso non è mai voluta dagli allevatori, e si considera un colpo di sfortuna. I actually adopted a Lab/ golden mix as a pup. Labrador pelo lungo - Cani Taglia Grande - Labrador con . The founding president of the Kennel Club, Sewallis Shirley, was a major patron of this retriever, and he and Dr. Melody was a setter cross, and she looks more like a setter than even the modern flat-coated retriever, which had some Irish setter crossed in at a later date to make them even more refined. Nei Labrador esiste un gene che causa soggetti a pelo lungo e … Labrador Retriever: prezzo. Il diritto di chiamarsi “Labrador” Arguably the first Breed Standard, certainly the earliest detailed description of the dog that became the Labrador Retriever. Prezzo della monta impegnativo. 817- 613 – 6278. Sono animali docili, che possono venire addestrati con facilità, semplicemente con ordini diretti e perentori. As they,” Snow” and “Tom,” came out of the lake when we were shooting teal and widgeon, drenched with half-frozen water, I have frequently been struck with the family likeness. These dogs are extremely rare– much rarer than Labradors with tan poins or brindling. mi scuso per l’inglese da traduttore But the smooth-coated dog has a lighter eye—a pale hazel with an intensely black pupil, occasionally very like what is known as a “china” or “wall-eye.” Be that how it may, they are the best of all breeds for boating; they can stand all weathers, and though men unused to them call them butchers’ dogs [a common complaint was that St. John’s water dogs with smooth coats looked like bulldogs], I think them handsome, and I know that they are sensible, and that the punt and shore men, living by adroit use of the long stauncheon gun and “flat,” look upon them as a part of their household, and in some cases—to quote the words of one old sporting farmer, to a duke who wanted to buy his horse— “no man has money enough to buy them” (pg. but yes, that would be good stock to start with! Negli ultimi anni si sono presentati alcuni temerari estimatori dei labrador a pelo lungo, ma visto che è assai difficile ottenere un cucciolo con questa caratteristica, molti di loro sono destinati a non avere un cane. Se non lo trovi imposta un avviso … hello, I was looking up info on long haired black labs on google and came across this, i actually have one that is 7 months old right now. I have read about the “Greater Labrador” and the “Lesser Labrador”. Il Labrador Retriever è un cane di dimensione media, con un corpo muscoloso, forte e compatto.Il suo petto è largo e profondo, e la sua schiena e dritta. Today they are the sweetest and most adorable pups, even if they aren’t “correct.” We make sure to tell other breeders about the gene, if they’re willing to listen. They’re very friendly, loving, intelligent, and are a fabulous pet. bill p. This is a very uncommon mutation in Labradors, and because it’s not a trait that is accepted in the show ring, it is very hard to find one. Even some of the more well-known writers. . Yellow Labradors with black noses and lips are actually black Labradors with a novel genotype that prevents black from appearing on the fur. Questo cane è leggermente più lungo che alto. Love her to death. i have one here in weatherford texas she a older dog needs a good home came from the dog pound here , she a nice dog . A volte, sebbene decisamente di rado, capita che in una cucciolata sia presente un cagnolino con il pelo lungo e riccioluto, ma tali esemplari non possono ricevere il pedigree e non appartengono alla razza labrador, in quanto portatori di un difetto congenito che induce a classificarli come meticci. Hello Bill P, i have a akc registered LONG HAIRED choclate lab puppy (2mos old) for sale. She is a little fluff ball! Long hair is a simple recessive. The modern flat-coated retriever also has more or less the setter’s coat, which lacks the very, very dense undercoat that is associated with golden and Labrador retrievers. The owner of the mother ( a black smooth coat lab) is room mates with the owner of the father (a golden retriever). best dog I ever had . They could have always been hidden within the smooth-coated St. John’s water dog bloodlines that eventually gave us the Labrador retriever, but if this were so, it probably would be more common in the breed than it is today. martina t. albert – longare – VI – italia, I apologize for the English translator I Labrador Retriever neri avranno pelo e sottopelo neri. Occasionalmente capita che in una cucciolata si trovi un esemplare con il pelo lungo, riccioluto; questi animali non possono ricevere il pedigree, e quindi non fanno parte della razza labrador, e vengono venduti come meticci, perchè portatori di un difetto congenito. Labrador a pelo lungo. Durante i periodi di maggiore perdita del pelo, bisogna spazzolarlo quotidianamente per evitare che sporchi troppo in casa. I just came across one in Hungary, I was looking for a black girl and the breeder told me this was the only one left of the litter. I think a much more likely source for this coat is cross-breeding. Thomas Pearce (“Idstone”) wrote inThe Dog (1872) that smooth-coated retrievers that were of this St. John’s water dog ancestry were quite rare in England, but it was possible to get puppies with both coats in litters. Si tratta di un cane potente e muscoloso, che ama correre nella natura, nuotare, giocare, divertisti, con gli umani ma anche da solo o con altri cani. Hers is fluffier like a newfoundland and has golden hues in the summer. I kept the female because she was unusual with her thick wavy coat and long hair and 6 years later I finally found out and got confirmation from AKC that I received an unusually and never happens a very rare flat coat retriever from 2 akc labrador retrievers. A modern long-haired Labrador retriever in profile. But the bulk of the evidence shows that the British retriever in the nineteenth century was almost universally long-haired. This is the first I’ve heard of the wavy-coated retriever. Farquharson was a major importer of dogs from Newfoundland, and although most of his dogs were of the larger type, he evidently had some of the smaller St. John’s type. Were Romulus and Remus really nursed by a she-wolf? Lots of smooth-coated dogs have this rare recessive long-haired allele. Le ultime cucciolate degli allevamenti di cani professionali o amatoriali. Sono cani dolci, docili e gentili, che si affezionano alla famiglia che li adotta; si addestrano abbastanza facilmente, ma con difficoltà si rimuove il loro tratto che li porta a fare amicizia con tutti, anche con gli estranei. martina t. albert – Longford – VI – Italy. Peso circa 2,3 kg. It is so much more fun to have her long coat because I dont see them very often and it is so fun to bond with her when i brush her and snuggle up with her. Sorry to hear about your Lab Kat. Esistono dei Labrador color cioccolata, detti marroni, esemplari color sabbia e Labrador neri. It would be very simple to re-introduce the long-coat factor into Labradors (or to re-create the Wavy-Coated Retriever). In my case the parents: the mom was long hair and the dad was short hair with fluffy ears, they both had some kind of long hair in their genes. He is five months old and is the smartest lab I have ever owned. Allevamento e vendita cuccioli cani di razza Chihuahua Pelo Lungo. Quanti di voi si sono sentiti dire "che bel labrador a pelo lungo!" La testa del Labrador Retriever è larga e presenta un muso allargato con una forte mascella. Per evitare che soffrano di malformazioni è bene alimentarli con integratori apositi per il corretto sviluppo delle articolazioni, e mantenerli attivi il più possibile. If you dont mind please respond. Ci sono 470 offerte di cuccioli di Labrador in adozione da allevamenti, negozi, canili, privati, fra le quali trovare quella ideale per te. Zelstone’s ancestry ran right through Henry Farquharson’s kennels, mentions that long-haired dogs were of no use to the fishermen and hunters of Newfoundland and Labrador, and they were eager to have them sent off to Britain, Paris was a long-haired St. John’s water dog, Hi everyone! thanks When crossed with a chocolate Lab, the allele that stops that pigment from appearing is recessive to the chocolate Labrador, which doesn’t have it. Will send pics if you want to judge. Sono molto coccoloni e amano giocare: preparatevi a trascorrere almeno alcune ore al giorno fuori con loro, perché adorano correre, inseguire la palla, giocare, nuotare. La morfologia, quindi, oggi come oggi non è del tutto prevedibile. Start by crossbreeding to a Golden Retriever (preferably several litters, different parents) and then breed the F1s together. It is good that you have reminded folks that dogs called “Labrador” in the 19th century were always not identical to the sort known as Labrador Retriever today. Quindi, evitate i bocconcini premio, e l'eccessiva pigrizia. Because of this coat type in modern flat-coats,  it is much more likely that the wavy-coated retrievers were primarily of St. John’s water dog ancestry– with only occasional outcrosses to setters. Moonstone, was bred into the strain of yellow wavy-coated retrievers at Guisachan. Il labrador nasce come cane da caccia, ma viene oggi allevato anche come cane da compagnia, ed è diffuso soprattutto tra le famiglie che hanno bambini. Se non lo trovi imposta un avviso … Il gene Fluffy si manifesta solamente con un mantello più lungo, ma non è associato ad altre malattie. It is often said that the long-coats on these dogs derived from crossing the smooth-coated St. John’s water dog with the setter. la nostra competenza ci permette di valorizzare l'equilibrio e la socievolezza di questa razza già educata e meravigliosa per natura. They are super cute. #allevamento #vendita #cuccioli #shitzu #alessandria Gatti TAKE THAT NETHERLANDS SCHOLARS! DNA depositato. Idstone believed that the setter was the primary ancestor of the wavy-coated retriever, but we now know that during the early days of this kind of retriever in the nineteenth century that they were primarily of St. John’s water dog ancestry. they are very good looking dogs. He definitely has a different personality than any of my prior labs. His is dark chocolate and has the red undertones. Il mio Labrador perde tantissimo pelo, ne lascia a terrà parecchio anche se la spazzolo ... La perdita di pelo è giornaliera, così come noi perdiamo giornalmente capelli e rientra nel normale ricambio. However, other breeders certainly did outcross. È comunque necessario strigliare entrambe le razze ogni settimana e un po’ … These were all long-haired dogs, but because there were only two varieties of retriever, the curly and the wavy, there was some interbreeding between those two types. it is a shame that no body breeds these dogs . Labrador a pelo lungo Cercate di non odiarmi e risparmiate i sassi per la prossima lapidazione, ormai ho la corazza per quel che riguarda l'argomento.

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