standard cane corso enci

Fattrici Origin: Italy Muscular and athletic, it moves with considerable ease and elegance. In the case of natural tails, the tip reaches the hock but not below. Carried low, it is neither broken nor kinked but supple. seleziona la lingua . The Cane Corso....Written ENCI Standard. E' alquanto più lungo che alto. The nose is an extension of the topline of the muzzle and does not protrude beyond nor recede behind the front plane of the muzzle. Seen from the top, it looks square because of the outstretching of the zygomatic arches and the powerful muscles swathing it. Hock joint - It is wide, thick, and clean, with well marked bone. Eliminating Faults: Un passato così ricco ed affine alla storia dell’uomo non poteva non lasciare traccia nelle testimonianze storiche. SKIN - It is, rather thick, has limited subcutaneous connective tissue and therefore is adherent everywhere to the layers underneath. Il Pastore e la Cinofilia ricevono in dono una nuova famiglia di Cani Corsi. Le giuste proporzioni del Cane Corso sono importanti per la sua salute, il suo benessere e la sua capacità di lavoro; rappresentano per questo il fondamento della valutazione in gara. BRIEF HISTORICAL SUMMARY - Its direct ancestor is the "Canis Pugnax" (the old Roman Molossian) of which he is the light version employed in the hunting of large wild animals and also as an "auxiliary warrior" in battles. Occipital crest not much developed. Its length, slightly higher than its width, is equal to 20% of the height at the withers. Its modern functions are watchdog, defending people and their belongings. Narav Cane Corso (Danilo Giorgio) Standard. nelle femmine, con tolleranza di 2 cm. Cane Corso Breed Information: Standard & History . They have a round shape, with very arcuated and gathered toes (cat's foot). Gait/movement - Continued amble. Impiego molto positivo era quello che ne facevano le “guardie campestri”. Males from 45 to 50 Kg. Back: Wide, strong, muscular. Harmoniously joined with the withers, shoulder and chest, the neck has its ideal direction at 45ƒ from the ground and at right angle with the shoulder. The head is moderately sculptured with zygomatic arches stretched outwards. Quite outstretched and slightly protruding at the joint, they become semi-erect when the dog is watchful. Tale ipotesi ci riconduce alla Magna Grecia ed alla suggestiva origine orientale dei molossi. Body: Depth of the ribcage is equal to half the total height of the dog, descending slightly below the elbow. I cani prodotti nell’ambito delle iniziative venivano affidati a nuovi appassionati, che andavano ad ingrandire la schiera della S.A.C.C. Scissor bite is acceptable, if parameters of the head and muzzle are correct. Brachycephalic. Neck: Slightly arched, flowing smoothly into the shoulders with a small amount of dewlap. Solid fawn and red, including lighter and darker shades have a black or gray mask; it does not go beyond the eyes. The width of the muzzle must be almost equal to its lenght, which reaches 3,4/10 of the total lenght of the head. Its average width is equal to 23% of the height at the withers, its inclination on the horizontal line, on the basis of the ilium-ischiatic line is of 28ƒ/30ƒ, on the basis of the line from the ridge of the hip to the insertion of the tail is of 15ƒ/16ƒ. Eyes - Partial and bilateral palpebral depigmentation, wall-eye, bilateral strabismus. Stop: Well defined due to developed and bulging frontal sinuses and prominent arch above the eyes. 72/73ƒ). Compact, strong and very muscular. Seen from the front, it follows the perpendicular line of the forearm and of the carpus. Docile and affectionate with the owner, loving with children and with the family, if necessary he becomes a terrible and brave protector of people, house and property. The length of the neck is approximately one third the height at the withers. The bizygomatic width, which is equal to the lenght of the skull, is more than half the total height of the head, reaching 6,6/10. Incisors are in a straight line. Risultato della ricerca di standard enci cane corso:. La moderna selezione non può prescindere dal fatto che il Cane Corso è un cane da lavoro, che ha sempre lavorato accanto all’uomo e per l’uomo e quindi non deve mettere in secondo ordine gli aspetti caratteriali. The top and bottom muzzle plains are parallel, and the nose and chin form a perpendicular line. Partial or complete palpebral depigmentation. Anche i carrettieri che trasportavano le derrate di giorno e di notte, lungo le strade deserte, in piena campagna, temendo continuamente gli assalti di ladri e predoni, per maggior sicurezza viaggiavano in convogli e tenevano di scorta il Cane Corso. DPCM 3.11.2020 DISPOSIZIONI ENCI 21 dicembre 2020: Uffici ENCI: chiusura natalizia 2020 23 dicembre 2020: GC Pavia: chiusura natalizia 2020 The pigmentation is black or dark grey. Its width, in close relation with the width of the thorax, reaches 35% of the height to the withers, the breast-bone is at the same height as the tip of the shoulders. The Cane Corso as a protector of his property and owners is unequaled. Chest: Broad, well-muscled, strong forefront. BODY - Compact, strong and very muscular. Its depth is more than 50% the lenght of the muzzle. Summary: Cane dalla taglia medio grande, solido e vigoroso pur restando elegante. Temperament Nose: Large with well-opened nostrils, pigment color to match pigment color of the dog. The height of the limbs at the elbows is equal to 50% of the height at the withers. They are lean and joint harmoniously to the neck and to the back. Dogs with black pigment have black lips; gray pigmented dogs have gray lips. DISQUALIFYING FAULTS - Head - Diverging axes of the skull and the muzzle, overshot mouth nose bridge resolutely hollow or ram-like. It is long and wide, with prominent muscles, therefore the nate ridge is well marked. It is long, lean, with a strong bone and muscle structure, has a well marked muscular groove. Height: Dogs: 25 to 27.5 inches; bitches: 23.5 to 26 inches. Strong and powerful. I segugi e i bracchi dovevano scovare il selvatico e quindi, dopo un estenuante inseguimento, costringerlo ad arrestarsi permettendo ai cacciatori di sopraggiungere. The perimeter of the head, mesured at the cheek-bones, is more than twice the total length of the head even in the females. Oversize or undersize. Quest’ultima ipotesi è altrettanto plausibile in quanto ancor oggi la troviamo in alcune parole come “corsiero” (cavallo da battaglia usato nel Medio Evo), nell’inglese “corse” (grezzo, rozzo), ed infine in alcuni dialetti dell’Italia meridionale in cui “Corso” significa robusto, fiero. 05 novembre 2020: COVID 19. • [ Earlier standards included for reference below ] • It is thick at the root with not much tapering at the tip. Skin –The inferior part of the neck introduces more abundant but elastic skin. Any color with marking pattern as seen in black and tan breeds. For males from 64 cm. A valle, ai margini dell’orizzonte, il sole si rialza dalla marina a ridestare l’Aurora perché accolga sul suo carro la quattordicesima Razza Italiana. Tail - It is inserted quite high on the rump line, it's thick at the root and not too tapering at the tip, and if stretched is not too much over the hock. Skull Ears - Of medium size in relation to the volume of the head and to the size of the dog; covered with short hair, of triangular shape, with rather pointed apex and thick cartilage, in a high position, much above the zygomatic arch, with a wide bottom, hanging, they stick to the cheeks without coming down to the throat. Noble, majestic and powerful his presence is impressive. Pur avendo un senso del territorio molto radicato, il Corso non sfigura nemmeno come cane da difesa, dato l’affiatamento che manifesta per l’uomo. Sturdy, with a strong skeleton. The nails are strong, curved and pigmented, there is a good pigmentation also in the plantar and digital pads. They clearly rise on the dorsal line and over the rump level, are high, long, wide. Its length, from the top of the withers to the ridge of the shoulder, is equal to 30% of the height at the withers and its inclination on the horizontal line is between 48ƒ/50ƒ. Stifle: Should be moderately angulated, strong. Venivano sciolti allora i Cani Corsi che dovevano avventarsi sul cinghiale e bloccarlo afferrandolo alle orecchie e al grifo. Date of publication of the original valid standard: 12.03.1999 in più o in meno; il peso medio è nei maschi 45-50 Kg., nelle femmine 40-45 Kg. Total depigmentation of the nose The length, measured from the ridge of the hip to the ridge of the nates is equal to 32% of the height at the withers. Upper Arm: Strong Its direction, in relation to the median plane of the body is parallel. Top line - The back region is rectilinear with a slightly lumbar convexity. Length - 3,6/10 of the height at the withers, that is equal to the total length of the head. Straight when viewed from the front or side, height of the limb at the elbow is equal to 50% of the height at the withers. Due to the parallels of the muzzle sides and to the fullness and the width of the whole jaw, the anterior face of the muzzle is flat and square. Il tuo indirizzo email non verrà utilizzato per nessun altro scopo e potrai annullare l'iscrizione in qualsiasi momento. He is docile and affectionate to his owner, loving with children and family. White, big, complete in growth and number. The tibio-metatarsal angle is of approx 130ƒ. Its length is over 33% of the height at the withers and the width is never lower than 25% of such height. Questo grosso mustelide, dalle abitudini notturne, era molto apprezzato sia per la pelliccia, che per il sapore della carne e persino per il grasso che, fuso, veniva usato come unguento lenitivo. Eye Color: Dogs with black muzzles (black, fawn, red, and these colors brindled) dark brown eyes are preferred. The foregoing description is that of the ideal Cane Corso; any deviation from the above described dog is penalized to the extent of the deviation. In relation to the median plane of the body the ridges of the shoulder-blades are slightly swerved. No more than two missing teeth. 3,6/10 of the height at the withers, that is equal to the total lenght of the head. 32% of the height at the withers. Its width, measured at half of its height, is equal to 35% of the height at the withers and decreases slightly towards the sternum region without forming a carina. Females from 88 (84) to 101 (106) pounds. They have a slightly more oval shape than the fore ones and a less arched toes. FAULTS - Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree and diffusion. 2010 AKC recognizes the Cane Corso. Neck: Slightly arched, flowing smoothly into the shoulders with a small amount of dewlap. Iris as dark as possible according to the colour of the coat. Nose - Total depigmentation. CUCCIOLI DOGS STANDARD HISTORY WHERE. Very marked because of the very developed and bulging frontal sinuses and because of the prominent superciliary arches. The angle between the shoulder-blades and the humerus is between 106ƒ and 110ƒ. Body with the more frequent defects (by the book"Il Cane Corso" R. Carosio). The skin is firm and sticking to the tissues underneath, it is smooth and quite stretched. Weight - Males from 103 (97) to 117 (123) pounds. Hindfeet: Slightly less compact than the forefeet. Its depth is more than 50% the length of the muzzle. Il Cane Corso, come pure il Pointer, il San Bernardo, il Bull Mastiff, ecc, sono monoconvergenti. Highest part of shoulder blade slightly rising above the strong, level back. Viewed from the front the anterior face should look flat and form a trapezoid. He is docile and affectionate to his owner, loving with children and family. In relation to the median plane of the body the ridges of the shoulder-blades are slightly swerved. Body: Depth of the ribcage is equal to half the total height of the dog, descending slightly below the elbow. Carpal joint - Seen from the front, it follows the straight vertical line of the forearm; it is lean, wide, mobile, thick. Withers - They clearly rise on the dorsal line and over the rump level, are high, long, wide. Rump should be quite round due to muscular development. This allows us to make more educated decisions when pairing dogs. The upper longitudinal axes of the skull and of the muzzle are slightly convergent. Nel 1988, nell’ambito delle esposizioni di Milano, Firenze e Bari, i Giudici Morsiani, Perricone e Vandoni hanno effettuato i rilievi cinometrici di più di 50 Corsi al fine di verificare la loro aderenza alle caratteristiche indicate nel progetto di Standard. A riportare all’attenzione della cinofilia contemporanea il nostro Cane Corso fu una lettera, pubblicata anche nel n.6 del settimanale ENCI “I nostri cani”, lettera scritta da Paolo Petrilli. Arm Hind feet: Slightly more oval-shaped and less-arched toes. Its length is equal to 32% of the height at the withers and its inclination from the top to the bottom and from the front to the back is of approx. Eyelids close fitting. Ad alcuni soggetti si applicava inoltre una speciale bardatura che permetteva all’animale di trasportare sul dorso degli speciali recipienti contenenti sostanze resinose accese. AKC (American) Cane Corso Breed Standard, 2010. IMPORTANT PROPORTIONS - The length of the body is about ll% over the height at the withers. Supraorbital fossae slightly marked. The circumference of the head measured at the cheek bones is more then twice the total length of the head; skin is firm and smooth. ENCI; Documenti Istituzionali; Modulistica istituzionale; Delegazioni e soci collettivi; Libro genealogico; Allevatori; Esperti giudici; Addestratori; Manifestazioni e risultati; Standard razze e commenti; Pubblicazioni; Libri; Progetti ENCI. BEHAVIOUR AND TEMPERAMENT - Intelligent, active and even-minded, he is an unequalled watch and protection dog. I colori erano correlati alla funzione del Cane, all’area geografica, ed anche a credenze popolari che avevano creato micro-popolazioni caratterizzate dallo stesso colore e funzioni. Females from 40 to 45 Kg. CANE CORSO STANDARD FCI (by Dr. Antonio Morsiani) ... update the original standard of Dr. Antonio Morsiani and approved by the Committee of Judges and the Board of the ENCI in 1987. Molossus, large, its total length reaches approximately one third of the height at the withers. There is documentation to support that as early as 1137 A.D. Cane in Italian, even today means dog, a derivative of the Latin Canis, and, Cohors in Latin- would mean bodyguard. Head Standard ENCI/FCI; Gruppo 2: Cani di tipo Pinscher, Schnauzer, molossoidi e bovari svizzeri, Sez. Gait/Movement Lean hard dark pads and nails except in the case of white toes. The general conformation is that of a mesomorphic animal whose body is longer than the height at the withers, harmonious as regards the form and disharmonious as regards the profile. The height of the thorax is 5/10 of the height at the withers and it is equal to the height of the limb at the elbows. Gait/Movement: Long stride, extended trot. Shoulders: Muscular, laid back. Muzzle - Very broad and deep. Hair: Short, shiny, very dense with a light undercoat. FAULTS expression keen and attentive. Lingua ufficiale Inglese. It is docked at the fourth vertebrae. Back: Rectilinear, very muscular and firm. Permanent amble when trotting Its perimeter reaches 26% of height at the withers, at its top margin the pisiform bone is strongly projected backwards. Eyes: Medium-size, almond-shaped, not round or bulging, tight fitting rims preferred with only a minimal amount of haw being visible. Its longitudinal direction is parallel to the median plane of the body. 32% of the height at the withers. When not in action is low. Stop Otherwise is horizontal or slightly higher than the back, it must never be bent to form a ring or in a vertical position. Upper arms: Strongly muscled, with good bone, powerful. It originated in the central-southern regions of Italy where it was used as a cowherd for cows and swine raised in the wild. Faults: Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree. Seen from the side, the chest is outstretched forward between the fore legs and slightly convex. There may be a white patch on the chest, throat, chin, backs of the pasterns, and on the toes. Utilization: Guard, protection, police and tracking dog. The thorax reaches down at the elbow and its height is equal to half the height at the withers. BRIEF HISTORICAL SUMMARY FCI Standard N° 343 – pubblicazione del 17.12.2015 – in vigore dal 1 gennaio 2016 CANE CORSO Questa illustrazione non è necessariamente a dimostrazione del tipo ideale dello standard TRADUZIONE: Rivisto da R. Sporre- Willes. International Cane Corso Federation, 2003. eMail: Its average length is approx. Forearm - It is perfectly vertical, oval section, with several muscles, in particular in the top-third, with a very strong and compact bone structure. In the fawny and tubby subjects there is a black or grey mask only on the muzzle and shouldn't go beyond the eye line. Lean, powerful muscles. La testa, seppur importante, è ben proporzionata al corpo, lo sguardo fiero, espressivo, talvolta enigmatico, mai infido, la chiusura dentale è leggermente prognata data da una mandibola potente leggermente arcuata verso l’alto e da una mascella leggermente più corta. The profile of the nasal bridge is straight. Disqualification: More then 2 missing teeth, wry mouth. The pigment of the mucous membranes is black. Il Cane Corso è il discendente diretto dell’antico molosso romano. Colour Withers: pronounced, rising above the level of the croup. Seen from the side, the chest is outstretched forward between the fore legs and slightly convex. For females from 60 cm. It has always been a property watchdog and hunter of difficult game, such as the boar. A natural atrophied tail or a natural tail that is knotted and laterally deviated or twisted. In action carried high, but never curled nor erect. It is quite smaller than the forearm, is very strong, lean, elastic, slightly flexed (it forms with the ground an angle of approx. BRIEF HISTORICAL SUMMARY Its direct ancestor is the "Canis Pugnax" (the old Roman Molossian) of which he is the light version employed in the hunting of large wild animals and also as an "auxiliary warrior" in battles. The commeasure is rightly evident and it always represents the lowest point of the lower side profile of the muzzle. Le sue specifiche qualità caratteriali di forza, coraggio ed equilibrio ne fanno un ottimo soggetto da lavoro, con buona addestrabilità, che lo possono veder eguagliare e superare le più qualificate razze da lavoro straniere, non dimenticando però l’appartenenza ai molossoidi. The hollow on the side is not very marked. Thighs: Long, wide, angulated and well-muscled. Some wrinkling on forehead occurs when alert. The pigment of the soles and the nails must be dark. Its length, slightly higher than its width, is equal to 20% of the height at the withers. The height of the limbs at the elbows is equal to 50% of the height at the withers. The tip of the elbow (olecranon epiphysis) is located on the vertical line lowered from the caudal (or back) angle of the shoulder-blade to the ground. Tail - Forming a ring or in a vertical position. Local dogs born years before the standard was written, fully respected the type described in the standard. The perimeter, at half length of the neck, is about 8/10 of the height at the withers. Therefore the rump is slightly inclined. A strong build but not without elegance. It was in the 1976 that an enthusiastic dog lover and researcher of the rural traditions of Italy, Doctor Breber, brought the Cane Corso, to the attention of the public and official dog fancying circles in an article published in a number of the ENCI (Italian Kennel Club) magazine. Upper Thigh: Long, wide, back line of thigh convex A small white patch on the chest, on the tips of the feet and on the bridge of the nose is acceptable. Pagina 1 di 1. Hindfeet The Cane Corso received AKC recognition, into the Working Group, in 2010. a Milano si levano voci per mete lontane. Hock (Metatarsus) Acceptable colors are black, lighter and darker shades of gray, lighter and darker shades of fawn, and red. The incisors are firmly placed on a straight line. Skull: Viewed from the front is wide and slightly curved, width is equal to the length. General Appearance: Medium to large-sized. The pigment of the soles and the nails must be dark. A few enthusiasts initiated its recovery which today is complete. The Cane Corso is the Italian name for the breed, it is pronounced kah-ney corso. CLASSIFICATION - Working group 1, dogs like Argentine Dogo and Black Russian Terrier. Accentuated parallelism of the axes of the skull and the muzzle very marked converging axes of the skull and the muzzle, converging side lines of the muzzle, scissors bite, pronounced and disturbing undershot mouth. to 64 cm. As life changed in the southern Italian rural farms in the 20th century, the Corso began to become rare. All colours not prescribed, white patches too wide. Date of publication of the standard: English ITALIAN CANE CORSO : 12/17/2015: Français CHIEN DE COUR ITALIEN: 2/19/2016: Deutsch ITALIENISCHER CORSO-HUND: 5/15/2018: Español CANE CORSO: 5/15/2018: Section: Molossian type: Basterà ricordare, Teofìlo Folengo nel “Maccheronee” (1552), il famoso naturalista Konrad von Gesner nel “De Quadrupedibus” (1551), Erasmo di Valvasone nel “Della Caccia” (1591), Minà Palumbo nei “Mammiferi di Sicilia” (1868), e persino Giovanni Verga nel “Malavoglia” (1881). Its perimeter is over 35% the height at the withers. Guardiano della proprietà, della famiglia e del bestiame; lo si utilizzava nel passato per sorvegliare il bestiame e per la caccia alla grossa selvaggina. Trovati 5 documenti. Highest part of shoulder blade slightly rising above the strong, level back. Back - It is wide, very muscular as the whole upper line of the trunk, slightly climbing from the back to the front and with a strictly rectilinear profile. Level bite acceptable, but not sought after. Gray muzzles (coat colors of gray, fawn or red and these colors brindled), lighter shades are approved. : Group 2 Pinscher and Schnauzer, Molossian and Swiss Mountain-and Cattledogs. Upper lips moderately hanging, they join under the nostrils to form an inverted "U." Temperament 1983: The SACC - The Society Amatori Cane Corso, is formed by Dr. Breber and five others. 3 cm without creating fringes. Feet: Round with well arched, toes (cat like). Well proportioned to the size of the dog. Muzzle is not overly narrow or snipey. La costruzione, rigorosamente iscritta nel rettangolo, deve essere potente, data da una ossatura forte e da una massa muscolare molto sviluppata non disgiunta da una base di sostegno ampia. Partial depigmentation of the nose The 4 false ribs are long, oblique and open. Origin & Purpose The Cane Corso is the direct descendant of the ancient Roman molosser dogs. 3 cm without creating fringes. As the dog accelerates, the feet converge toward a center line of gravity in a near-single track. Hocks: Wide set, thick and clean, let down and parallel when viewed from behind. Stifle: Should be moderately angulated, strong. Per mesi, finito il tempo della semina, vi rimaneva solo il guardiano: unico suo compagno il cane, indispensabile aiuto per difendersi dai malviventi. Often cropped in the shape of an equilateral triangle. Los Lunas, NM, USA, CCAA (American) Cane Corso Standard, 2007, ICCF (American) Cane Corso Standard, 2003. Gray muzzles (gray, fawn, red and these colors brindled) lighter shades are acceptable. The depth (saggital diameter) is equal to 55% the height at the withers. For years he has been a precious companion of the Italic populations. FOREQUARTERS The pigmentation is black. Hair Its skin adheres to its body and does not form wrinkles. In the past this breed was common all over Italy as an ample iconography and historiography testify. Lasciando la tua email puoi essere il primo a sapere quando Allevamento cane Corso "dei Legionari Arditi", riconosciuto ENCI - FCI. Ears: Triangular, drooping, with a wide set on high above the zygomatic arches. Sexual organs - Monorchidism, cryptorchidism, obvious incomplete growth of one or both testicles. Two years later, in 1996, the Fédération Cynologique Internationale also recognized Cane Corso Italiano. Expression: Very alert and attentive. (Società Amatori Cane Corso). Sempre più numerosi sono i soggetti che si sono cimentati e si cimentano nelle Prove sportive di Utilità e Difesa con buoni, se non ottimi, risultati. Straight when viewed from the rear or front. Sempre come bovaro, il Corso doveva difendere le mandrie dai grandi predatori, quali l’orso o il lupo, inoltre era utilizzato come deterrente nelle zone afflitte dalla piaga dell’abigeato. Lips - Rather firm. Sta di fatto che, da quando ha cominciato a delinearsi la lingua italiana, il molosso è sempre stato chiamato Corso. The lower side profile of the muzzle is determined by the upper lips, the suborbital region shows a very slight chisel. Hindfeet - They have a slightly more oval shape than the fore ones and less arched toes. Gait Its direction is parallel to the median plane of the body. Underline and belly - The sternum region is lean, long, wide and seen from the side it outlines a semicircle with a wide radius which caudally goes up smoothly to the abdomen. Elbows Ears: Set well above the cheekbones. The overall conformation of the dog should be well-balanced and proportionate. For years he has been a precious companion of the Italic populations. The overall confirmation of the dog should be well balanced and proportionate. His name derives from the Latin "Cohors" which means "Guardian", "Protector". Fernando Casolino È senza dubbio un cane dominante che male sopporta da adulto la presenza di altri maschi nel proprio territorio o nelle proprie vicinanze, e quindi richiede un proprietario di carattere che sappia gestire con fermezza il ruolo di capo branco e che permetta al cane di esprimere al meglio il ruolo di fedele ed incorruttibile gregario. Forequarters It has to be voluminous, rather flat on top, with wide nostrils, opened and mobile, wet and cool. Partial and bilateral palpebral depigmentation, wall-eye, bilateral strabismus. The coat is short, stiff, shiny, adherent and dense with a light undercoat that becomes thicker in cold weather. Cane Corso Standard; Komentar standarda; Kretanje (Il Movimento) Cane Corso; Zdravlje / Health. CANE CORSO ITALIANO (343) Group : n°2 - Pinscher and Schnauzer - Molossoid and Swiss Mountain and Cattledogs. In the past, it has been used for herding cattle and hunting big game. Nel cane corso la biconvergenza è propria dell’ipertipo, viceversa il parallelismo lo è dell’ipotipo e la divergenza porta sempre al totale declassamento. Loin: Well-muscled, and harmoniously joined to the back. CANE DA PASTORE DELLA RUSSIA MERIDIONALE. Dentition is complete. Nose The lower side profile of the muzzle is determined by the upper lips, the suborbital region shows a very slight chisel. Seen from the side it mustn't stick out from the front vertical margin of the lips but be, with its front, on the same vertical line as the front of the muzzle. Its average width is equal to 23% of the height at the withers, its inclination on the horizontal line, on the basis of the ilium-ischiatic line is of 28ƒ/30ƒ, on the basis of the line from the ridge of the hip to the insertion of the tail is of 15ƒ/16ƒ. Its head is massive, with a dignified and proud expression. In the recent past he has found an excellent preservation area in Southern Italy, especially in Puglia, Lucania and Sannio. The tail is docked at the fourth vertebra. Hind profiles (by the book "Il Cane Corso" R. Carosio). It is on the same line as the nose pipe. ratio weight/size 0.680 (Kg/cm). Its length is 11% over the height at the withers, with allowance of ±1%. Lower Thigh: strong, not fleshy A tal fine i Corsi venivano bardati con giachi di cuoio indurito che proteggevano il petto ed il dorso. May be cropped or uncropped, if cropped it is in an equilateral triangle. Pigmentation matches color pigment of dog. The nose is an extension of the topline of the muzzle and does not protrude beyond nor recede behind the front plane of the muzzle. The lenght of the body is about ll% over the height at the withers.

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